Parashi "The Book of Nothing"

Cracked electronics arc across spools of tangled tape creating recordings that are both unsettling and arresting…an exciting new chapter in this ever expanding project.
-*C-40, edition of 50
-Pro-dubbed on Cobalt tapes
-Art by Rob
From these two, I have no idea who Parashi is. A band, a person? Or likewise what else there is. Four piece to go by here, each around ten minutes, I suppose. The whole thing is about forty minutes. Not much information on the cover either, about such trivia as instruments used. My best guess would be that this is an one-man project who deals with improvisations using a variety of electronic tools, be it analogue, be it digital. The whole thing seems to be put together without caring too much about such notions as compositions, but rather see what happens next, or what could happen next. It's hardly noisy, nor ambient, nor, in fact, anything that can easily be put down in one word. It's collage like with the use of voices, and lots of echo, put forward in a rather naive manner, reminding me of the early days of Throbbing Gristle, which makes this altogether quite a retro sounding release. I quite enjoyed it, even though I am not sure why. I guess it must be exactly that retro
sound that Parashi has, that early 80s, old school industrial sound, the sound of spontaneous combustion with all that lo-fi gear. Maybe some of that is highly missed in some of the current high brow computer world? - (FdW) Vital Weekly
PARASHI - Salt Diggers from Moduli TV on Vimeo.
Amalgamated "Trudge/Slap"

A cabal of midnight mystics present a swirling brew of beats, guitar, and electronics. A long journey through the forest under a waxing moon culminates in a demon dance in the silver light…
-C-44, edition of 50
-Pro-dubbed on Cobalt tapes
-Art by Ben
Music by Amalagamated we reviewed before (Vital Weekly 857 and 842) and as far as I know this group recorded music quite some years ago, but for whatever reason is released now. The group may or may not consist of the following people Cory Bengtsen (Rebekah's Tape on sampler, keyboards, saxophone, turntable), Bob Newell (of Headless Ballerinas Underwater on sampler, keyboards, percussion, drum machine), Mike Richards (also of Rebekah's Tape, but also the man behind Makeshift Music and Intangible Cat on guitars, effects drums, percussion, keyboards and tapes), Phil Klampe (of Homogenized Terrestrials on keyboards and sampler) and D. Petri & Gus Kumo on editing and mixing. But none are mentioned as such on the cover of this new release. I quite enjoyed their previous two 3" CDR releases, and this new one (recorded in 2004) is no different. A fine mixture of psychedelic music, tripping on sunshine, bits of musique concrete mixed with cosmic drones and here for the first time longer pieces - hey maybe even a piece per twenty minute side - it's hard to say. Here Amalgamated has the feeling of a live band rather than the clever doodling of samplers connected through midi. These are the grandchildren of Nurse With Wound in their best krautrock phase(s). -(FdW) Vital Weekly
AMALGAMATED - Trudge from Moduli TV on Vimeo.
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